D.A.R.E. Officer Letter COVID-19

Dear D.A.R.E. Officers:

We at D.A.R.E. America are facing the evolving circumstances of the coronavirus, just as each of you are doing in your own communities. Because this is a complicated and dynamic situation, your individual law enforcement agency’s plans and procedures are no doubt changing and will continue to do so.  As such, many of you have asked how to handle your role in delivering the D.A.R.E. Curriculum.

After many conversations with Officers working in schools, we know that you are experiencing a variety of circumstances related to school closures and methods for delivering school-based information during the times that schools are closed for face-to-face learning.

Because the situation is fluid and situations varied, it can be difficult to know how or whether to move forward. We know that one of the strengths of the D.A.R.E. Curriculum is the fidelity with which D.A.R.E. Officers deliver it as a universal prevention program.  Perhaps even more powerful, however, are the caring relationships that each of you develop with your students.

For these reasons, we advise D.A.R.E. Officers to proceed using the following procedures:

  • Work with your schools/teachers to send electronic communications to students and their families during this time. A letter template has been created for introducing this change, reassuring students, and connecting their adherence to health recommendations with the D.A.R.E. program.
  • The Elementary “Family Talk” worksheets are attached to the letter for families to review and discuss with younger students. Don’t worry about whether they correspond with the lessons you have already covered or have yet to cover – at this time of urgency, they will provide introduction to or reinforcement of key concepts that can begin a family conversation.
  • For older students, the website link to the online Opioids/OTC/Rx module has been provided.

During this time when students may be experiencing fear and uncertainty, the most powerful thing you can do for them is to let them know that you are there, you care about them, and that there is a plan for moving forward. Feel free to participate in any school or community-based effort to provide this reassurance and direction to your students and their families.

We hope you are doing all you can for you and your family  to stay healthy and prepared. We will continue to be in touch with updates as the situation warrants. Feel free to reach out to your Regional Director or Ashley Frazier with any questions you may have about your specific circumstance.

With appreciation,

D.A.R.E. America

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Copyright © 2022 D.A.R.E. America.
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